Friday, October 30, 2009

Look I lost a tooth!!!

McKay has had a wiggly bottom tooth for a little while. One day while wiggling it we noticed that he had a big tooth growing up right behind it, so the baby teeth had to go. On Tuesday October 20th Ron pulled out McKay's first tooth. It was pretty dramatic, but I think he thought it was cool to be missing a tooth.
The next Tuesday tooth #2 was pulled as the tooth behind it was starting to come in as well. Mom tried to help pull it, but decided that a screaming boy and a big belly were not a good combination so we again waited for dad to work his magic. Now he is missing both bottom teeth, although the big ones are already starting to fill in the gap.

That night McKay lost his tooth somewhere and was worried about not getting the full benifits from the tooth fairy, so he wrote her a note explaining that he had lost his tooth and wondered if he could still get money. She actually wrote him back, along with giving him a handsome reward as she felt bad that he had lost the same tooth twice in one day.

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