For our games we did a little relay game where we used flashcards to see whole knew their musical notes the best. Ron really impressed me by how well he knew them. Everyone did really good.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Music, Memories and Maestros
For our games we did a little relay game where we used flashcards to see whole knew their musical notes the best. Ron really impressed me by how well he knew them. Everyone did really good.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Mia's Hospital Adventure
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Happy President's Day!!
Miserable Mia
Friday, February 11, 2011
Days like this...
So a week or so ago my sister Michelle recorded what she did in a typical day. I was amazed by how much she was able to do in one day and decided to record one of my days as well. Here goes:
My Day Today Monday February 7, 2011
Tossed and turned throughout the night. (Someone had been playing in the bed and put a bunch of crumbs in it. Tried several times to brush them all off, but there were still some left.)
4:30am Bella came in and said she had a bad dream. Scooted over and made room for her to join us.
4:45am Ron's alarm goes off and he gets up to go exercise with Logan at his work.
5:11am Get up and go down to exercise.
6:20am Finish exercising and read scriptures. Finish the Book of Mark.
6:45am Hop in the shower before kids wake up.
7:00am Get out of shower and hear Mia crying in the other room. Get dressed and pick up girls room.
7:15am Siena is crying and wants a bath. Put her in and get hair done and makeup. William comes in and jumps in the bathtub with Siena.
7:30am Kids get out of tub and get dressed. Get breakfast for Mia, Siena and myself. Kids get cereal for themselves. Try to get kids to practice their piano and get beds made before breakfast.
8:00am Mckay plays the piano. Make sure that everyone is dressed well for school, lunches are made, coats on, backpacks found.
8:45am William leaves. Still working on Bella's hair.
8:50am McKay and Bella leave. Take a deep breath as the whirl wind leaves.
9:00am Finsh my grapefruit and read Michelle's cute blogs about her family while I eat.
9:15am Start a load of laundry. Change sheets on bed. No more crumbs tonight!
9:30am Work on cleaning room and getting laundry ready to be washed.
9:45am Girls are being too quiet. They had gotten into the books in McKay's room, but better check on them. Oh, wow. They have completely emptied his closet and it is a HUGE mess. Debate shoving it all back in the closet, but decide to take the opportunity while he is gone to do some dejunking.
11:15am Still going strong on McKay's room. Have gotten a couple loads of laundry folded and washed by now. Try to get Siena to pick up the legos in her room. She does NOT want to and throws a big fit. Would be easier to pick them up myself, but she needs to learn. Tell her she has to stay in her room until she has picked them up. Listen to her scream so Mia and I head downstairs to work on McKay's room where we don't hear her so much. Find our lost Mary from the kid's nativity set under McKay's book shelf. :)
11:30am Get Mia a snack. Siena's still mad and won't pick up. Continue working on McKay's room. Got all the corners of his room picked up. Will let him do his bed and under it.
12:00pm Call Ron. Siena FINALLY decides she can be a “helper” and picks up. Get her lunch and put Mia down for a nap.
12:20pm Get lunch myself and read some emails, etc. on the computer.
12:40pm Fold another batch of laundry and keep it moving through. Siena “helps.”
1:00pm Notice Siena has dumped out all the Skipbo cards out. Also smell a very fragrent girl. Go improve the air quality of our house.
1:15pm Siena wants to “watch something.” Go turn Sesame Street on. Type this up while sitting with her.
1:30pm Call health coach and set “health goals.” So exciting. (Can you sense my sarcasm?)
2:15pm Hear Mia crying upstairs, which is weird because I have the monitor on and don't hear her from that. Guess it got unpluged somehow.
2:30pm Am SO grateful that Ron put a lock on the game closet so that I can just get the puzzles out for Siena to play with. She and Mia dump them all out, spread them around and then take off while I fold the girls clothes and watch Toy Story for the umptenth time this year. Siena has chosen it as her new favortie.
2:40pm Pick up the mess the girls made in William's room while I was cleaning up the other room
2:50pm Go put clothes away. We have too many clothes I decide.
3:00pm Siena is asking very politely to go outside. How can I say no and it is pretty nice for February. I quickly make an invitation to take to one of my visiting teachies and we go on a walk to deliver it and to pick up kids from school. On the walk Siena discovers a discarded apple in the street and gives a loud and therough lecture about how “ucky” and “gross” it is and they should “throw in a garbage.” You tell them girl.
3:20pm start walking home with kids. Siena wants to walk through every pile of snow and then wants to be held with all the snow dripping down off her boots. Fun.
3:25pm Get home and get kids snacks. Try to encourage them to do piano and homework. They have other plans. William is on something and really bugging Bella. Send them both to their rooms. He keeps getting out. I keep getting frustrated. Mom calls and I talk to her, while William keeps coming out. Do not enjoy this teasing phase.
4:00pm Sit down with William and have a “talk”. Not sure what it did, but he did get his piano done and didn't bug anyone else for the time being. Maybe the fact that he was told he wouldn't go to basketball that night if there was one more problem helped.
4:30pm Listen to William play piano and try to quickly make soup for dinner so that it is ready when we get home.
4:40pm Call everyone to get in the car to go. Mia is poopy. Great. Change her, but she puts her sock in it so have to get new socks. Ahhhh.
4:46pm Drive off. William is supposed to be there for pictures at 4:45pm. Takes a while to find a parking space. Get everyone out and find picture place.
4:55pm Coach still isn't there and they're missing three teammates so we decide to scratch pictures.
5:00pm William's game starts. I find Ron inside just in time as Siena is lying down on the bleachers and having a fit about going the way we need to go. My arms are tired from carrying a little one year old. Pass her to Ron for the rest of the game. Watch William score a basket, which always makes the game nicer.
5:50pm Head home and make sure dinner didn't burn.
6:00pm Everyone else come's home and we set the table for dinner.
6:25pm We eat.
6:45pm Clean up dinner.
7:11pm Bring up a load of Bella's clothes to fold and begin fhe a couple minutes later. We had a lot of fun making Valentine's cards for our family. Ron is very creative. Fun to see.
8:15pm Have smores for refreshments. Make them in the microwave. William is not happy as he wanted to make them on the stove, but I don't want Siena having ANY ideas of what she could do on the stove as she can turn it on.
8:30pm Send kids off to bed. Try to put little girls to bed. Ron is cute and reading stories to them from the computer.
9:00pm The kids are all now in bed. Yeah.
9:05pm I'm typing this up and Ron's cleaning the stamps we used tonight. My hero. I work on typing up our Valentine's Day card.
9:45pm Ron helps me figure out how to print up our cards. Wait for them to finish printing.
11.07pm Brush teeth and get ready for bed.
11:11pm Say prayers and hop into bed. Wow this has been a busy day.
---While reviewing this I noticed that I didn't recored all the "mini" play sessions that the girls and I have throughout the day. They often consist of reading a quick book, putting together some legos or mainly playing peek-a-boo for a minute in between what I was working on. This would have been WAY too long if I recorded all of those little things, but yet I think those are some of my favorite things of the day.